TwoNav GPS
From paragliding to gravel riding, there’s a TwoNav GPS that’s right for you!

TwoNav GPS was the brainchild of a group of paragliding enthusiasts led by Ivan Twose. What started as software to aid paragliding competitions has grown. Now TwoNav produce route-planning software and their own GPS units. TwoNav call the combination of apps, software and GPS units the TwoNav Ecosystem. This allows you to plan and execute a route, while keeping within one system; hopefully avoiding any glitches you can get when mixing software.
TwoNav Roc
There are four models in the TwoNav GPS range, starting with the Roc. TwoNav claim that it’s “the smallest GPS with the most advanced mapping on the market“. While it may actually be slightly bigger than other unts, it’s the advanced mapping that is the important bit. With TwoNav’s background in navigation software, this will hopefully mean no more getting lost when riding in unfamiliar terrain.

For me, a small GPS like the Roc is great for racing and riding. While a bigger device will have a bigger and therefore easier to read screen, I find they can be a bit of overkill. Most of my riding is in mostly civilised areas or during races. I want a GPS that doesn’t clutter up the front of my bike, with simple clear data. Perhaps if I were to start riding or racing far from the madding crowd, a larger unit might come in handy?
TwoNav Cross Plus
The next unit in the TwoNav GPS range is the Cross Plus. This larger unit can be used both on and off the bike. How accurate is TwoNav’s mapping? Well the Cross Plus has helped win the Titan Desert race four times since 2019. That’s an unmarked Mtb race across the deserts of Morocco, quite different from the Sussex Downs!

TwoNav Terra
The final unit, as far as us cyclists are concerned, is the Terra. This is aimed at those of you who want to do it all! Hiking, mountain biking, cycle-touring, air and water sports, the Terra can handle them all. It’s a bigger unit, which will make following a map easier with its 3.7″ screen. All the TwoNav GPS devices come loaded with Great Britain Topo 1:50.000 (1 zone), Great Britain Topo 1:250.000, OSM World and 3D Relief Western Europe maps. However you can download other map libraries, so you can customise your navigation.

The Terra won the “best GPS of 2023” from the German, World of MTB magazine. It was also used by Melchior Mauri to win a stage of the 2023 Titan Desert Race and it will be there again. As I said, my usual riding doesn’t include anything as daunting as desert racing. I still manage to get lost when riding in new terrain though and TwoNav’s mapping software looks to be more than up to the task of keeping me on track.

TwoNav Ecosystem
Buying into the TwoNav ecosystem not only gets you onto their navigation apps, but also other features. These include SeeMe, which allows you access to their live tracking system. This is a subscription service – you get one year free with purchase – that lets you transmit your exact position. Your selected contacts can keep an eye on you in real-time when you’re using the service. So if you should go off-course or have an accident, they can come to your aid.

You’ll also get space on the TwoNav GO Cloud, this is a cloud based storage system where you can keep all your data. So no more hunting around for cables to load routes or workouts. Also included will be a free, six-month TwoNav Land Pro subscription. While TwoNav Land can be used for free, the Pro subscription will give you more features.
We will be trying out one of the TwoNav GPS units soon and once we have it we’ll let you know what it’s like to use. We took a look at the Roc when it first came out, see the article here.
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