Vittoria Magic Mastik

Vittoria Magic Mastik


Vittoria Magic Mastik


Simon Whiten


Can Vittoria Magic Mastik take the hassle out of mounting tubs?


If the photo below is reminiscent of the scenario that you usually associate with gluing on tubs, then Vittoria’s nifty new product, Magic Mastik aims to banish such nightmares for good…


Vittoria Magic Mastik
There are two main issues riders seeem to have with tubular tyres: one is having to bin a tub after a relatively minor puncture but Czech manufacturer Tufo seem to have made great strides towards dealing with this, with their Tyre Sealant specifically designed for tubs and currently being tested by us on
The second issue is the mess and hassle of sticking tubs onto the rim, but now Vittoria may have just dealt with that one as well with their new Magic Mastik.
There was some research in the US which tested tub glues, proclaiming the previous Vittoria Mastik One to be the strongest bonding tub glue. Since reading that and spurred on by the need to securely glue on cyclocross tubs, where low pressures and constantly varying forces mean that the glue is on its own in keeping the tub attached to the rim, we have used Vittoria’s glue as often as possible.
Vittoria Magic Mastik

But now along comes Vittoria Magic Mastik, described by the Italian tyre company as ‘a revolutionary glue for tubular tires’.
So what’s so different? Instead of the messy tin we are used to, the new glue is offered in a sealed blister with 2 tubes of glue with 12ml in each which, we are told, is sufficient for a pair of tubular wheels. Vittoria also include a special applicator to spread the glue easily and evenly, as well as more cleanly presumably, onto the rim. Just like the previous Mastik, Magic Mastik allows you to glue the tub to any type of rim, carbon or aluminium; they haven’t gone for Continental’s approach of having different glues for different rims types.
It is also described as ‘transparent, non-staining and resistant to high temperatures’. All good features. However, unlike the previous version or any other tub glue for that matter, it is very fast drying, allowing you to actually get on the bike just 12 hours after sticking on your tub! If this proves correct, no wonder Vittoria chose to call it Magic Mastik.

Vittoria Magic Mastik

We can’t vouch for any of these Magic Mastik features but if what Vittoria say is true, then this couid be very exciting for us and other tubular users. It should be quicker to use as a single layer of glue is apparently sufficient to ensure proper adhesion. Though two layers of glue, the standard approach when gluing on a tub, can still be used and may still be reassuring to cyclocross riders, a single layer will allow faster tub mounting compared to the normal process. Anything that promises even a hint of lighter weight is always a winner in the world of marginal gains, so this will appeal to many, as Vittoria claim a weight saving of about 20g per wheel in comparison with normal tub glue, which as we said, needs more layers for adequate bonding.
It should be easier to apply thanks to the special applicator and should remove that mess factor, an off-putting aspect of using tubs for many. This may also help prevent dust and dirt getting into the glue. We are told that it ‘is transparent and any excess or oozing can be removed with a wet cloth’. It then dries in a very short time; just 12 hours after application and Vittoria reckon you are good to go.
Vittoria claim it is resistant to double the temperature of other glues with it handling up to 120 ° C. It is not flammable either, a boon for any workshop. Obviously Vittoria have tested this glue to prove just how strong a bond it can form ‘in normal use and in cases of hard use such as under very high temperatures (think of long braking …)’.
Magic Mastik was tested for braking resistance at high temperatures of 120°C to check the force required to detach it from the rim compared to other tub glues. Apparently ‘Magic Mastik has shown excellent responses, both in normal conditions of use, both under extreme temperatures’. Vittoria don’t say that it out performed the other glues, but certainly imply that it did. They also tested for cornering resistance using a test to simulate going round a bend by pressing on one side of the tire. They say that the ‘tightness of the glue was perfect’.
We’ll try to get some in for review but Magic Mastik should be available sometime around now, priced from €14,95, though we have yet to see it for sale. With puncture resistance, easy installation and stronger bonding, could this be the start of the popular return of the tub?

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Written by

Simon Whiten (London and Northumberland, UK) has been riding for over 20 years and raced the road and the track extensively in the UK and Europe. He is obsessed with the turbo trainer and the ‘shortcut to race fitness’.

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