Silca T-Ratchet and Ti-Torque Titanium Tools
Silca T-Ratchet and Ti-Torque Titanium Tools
Josh Ross
The Silca TRatchet MultiTool and TiTorque Travel Torque Extension takes up less space than it’s name and if you hurry you could get in on the Kickstarter action.
I rarely discuss products that aren’t yet available, but when something really great pops up, I can’t help but tell people about it. The Silca TRatchet MultiTool and TiTorque Travel Torque Extension is definitely something that falls into the “really great and I want to tell people about it category.”

The Silca T-Ratchet and Ti-Torque Titanium Tools, allow you precise adjustment while actually out on the bike
Actually, it’s two pieces that can be purchased together or separately. The first piece, the TRatchet, is a 100mm long, 60 gram tool which magnetically converts between THandle tool, thumb stabilised ratchet tool, and flag handled screwdriver. The tool uses a SILCA developed, seventy-two tooth ratchet mechanism for significantly finer engagement than other designs.
The next piece, the TiTorque, is a 30 gram, 100mm long extender for the T-Ratchet capable of measuring 08Nm torque readings in real time. TiTorque is based on a 6Al/4V Titanium Torsion beam and displays torque on the side of the extender during use.
When I ride, I like to keep the bike free of what a friend affectionately called “luggage.” I carry my tools and flat repair in my jersey pocket, and although I’ve been very happy with the Just Enough Tools tool roll, I’m constantly looking for the perfect way to organise everything.
This new Silca multi tool represents something special because it’s compact and primarily vertical. That should mean it will fit well in a jersey along with a minipump, and if it’s anything like other products from Silca, it can probably double as the only torque wrench that many people need.
If this all sounds interesting to you, Silca has decided to launch on kickstarter, and while they are already fully funded, there are still some deals available. If you hurry, you can save yourself a couple of bucks over the eventual retail price on what should be a unique, and high quality, minitool.
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